Thursday, June 21, 2012

Even More Of A Blessing

Aleena Joy
6lbs 8oz

Proud parents!

Thankful for my little blessing.

It was a very easy labor! (In comparison to Lucy's)

We don't look too bad for 4AM. 

Proud Tita!


She's not too happy about giving up her swing.

Tatay and Lola got to come visit from SD!

Daddy and his girls =] 

Lucy's a little jealous. [You can see our new flooring that we put in! Yay for no more carpet!]

Lucy in her traditional Indian dress. Tommy works with a lot of people from India and they
sent this for her along with some clothes for Aleena. 
I can't remember why she was so upset. I think it's cause we made her stay still for two seconds
to take this picture.
Well the last two weeks have been crazy. I feel like my house has officially turned into a ZOO. I'll just have to elaborate later because I NEED sleep. So here are some pictures & a bit of captions for updates. For now, I am going to bed. Maybe i'll find time to update in a week, or the next month... maybe. Two kids are definitely a handful, but even more of a blessing. I love my babies.