Saturday, August 11, 2012


FINALLY! After 2 months of being here already. I might have just enough time to blog about Aleena's birth story!

Pregnancy, although it's a long 9 months of being uncomfortable, is not what I was scared of. My labor & delivery with Lucy was TRAUMATIC. It sounds bad I know, but the moment I found out I was pregnant again, my happiness was short lived when I thought about going into labor again.

I started contracting all day on Thursday, and by 9PM my contractions were about 3-5 min apart. I went to the hospital, but ended up getting sent home by the DR on-call that night. I was completely bummed because I thought I knew for sure that I was in labor. I had a scheduled appointment with my OB in the morning and when I went in, my OB told me to go home and get some rest because I would be having this baby later today or early morning! She even said that the hospital DR should not have sent me home.

So I went home, showered, rested, .... and went to the hospital. No, i'm joking. I really didn't go to the hospital. There was a family BBQ planned for this day and I convinced myself that if Aleena was not crowning, I would be eating my share of BBQ & desserts! Haha. And the smore's cookies that my cousin-in-law made were WORTH IT! I still have dreams about them! I knew that once I went into the hospital, I would be on an ice-chip only diet, so I definitely ate my body weight in food that late afternoon! =]

We left the BBQ around 8. I hate leaving fam parties early because Lucy loves to play with all her cousins, and I really do not like seeing her sad face when she has to be the first one to leave.

After getting home, we put Lucy down to sleep and Tommy took me to the hospital while my sister stayed with Lucy.

Once at the hospital, my labor progressed so fast. Although the nurses had to call the anesthesiologist to stick an IV in me because the 6x they tried they failed, that really was the hardest part of labor! I went in at 4cm dilated and only 3 hours later, I was a 10 and pushing!

Aleena was born only after 15 minutes of easy pushing! It was a very good and easy labor. Tommy, my sister, and my MIL were in the room with me. My Nanay was able to be Facetime right when Aleena was born. Nanay saw Aleena when she was placed on me. I'm so thankful for technology! (BTW Lucy ended up getting picked up by Dave to stay the night being watched by her Gpa)

Lucy met us the next morning.