Aleena & I growing together! |
I've been a little obsessed with the waterfall braid lately. |
This little big girl will not stand still for a picture anymore! |
33 weeks!! I can't believe it! This pregnancy really has gone by so fast! I can't believe that in just a couple weeks now, I'll be able to hold another precious gift from God in my arms! I think that this pregnancy seems to have gone by so fast, in comparison to when I was pregnant with Lucy, because I'm working and on the go a lot more.
I know many mama's who love to be Stay-At-Home Mama's [SAHM] and others who have to work to help with bills or, those who simply love to work. I think that both have their own pros and cons. Obviously this list is not all inclusive.
- Quality & bonding time with baby
- Don't miss out on changes that happen daily with growing baby
- Don't have to go to work
- Don't have to worry about leaving baby in a day care with strangers (& illnesses!)
- Money may be tight
- It's the same thing every single day (& every routine gets mundane sometimes)
- Less date nights with Hubby (if finances are squeezed tightly)
- Sometimes just staying at home can be boring & stressful (don't deny it)
Working Mama:
- Less budgeting
- Gives you a break from the everyday changing of diapers
- More income = more date nights with Hubby
- Allows more adult interaction with two-way conversations
- Less everyday time with baby
- Work stress
- Fatigued when coming home
- Feelings of guilt due to time spent at work and not with baby.
I believe that everyone's situation is different. There are mama's out there who have to work because of financial reasons. There's also a lot of mama's I know who believe that it's the man's job to be the "bread winner," while the woman raises the child. To each their own, and with that I just want to say that I really LOVE the way Tommy and I have it worked out.
I work midnights as an RN 2 days a week. I go into work at 945PM and get home before 7AM. Because I have about 3-4 days off after I work, I always try to get my sleeping back on track that same day. So, although it is really hard, when I get home, I only sleep until 11AM, which is when Lucy wakes up from her morning nap. This is just in time to make lunch and just long enough to get me through the day. I do have to admit, this is really hard, VERY hard. After a long night at work and coming home to only sleep for about 4 hours is rough.
I'm blessed with a great husband who is a hard worker, so that I don't have to be full-time. I am home whenever Lucy is awake, and only miss the 3 hours in the morning before she takes her morning nap. She knows that this is her time with Daddy. She and daddy eat cereal together and watch Little Einsteins & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
God has really blessed Tommy and I with amazing jobs. I work two days and Tommy goes into the office two days. We pay the bills with Tommy's paycheck, and with mine is how we are able to give more to missionaries, the church building fund, and tithes. Also it gives us room for savings, more date nights, family nights, vacations, or remodeling.
And I say all this to get to:
Tommy and I have talked about this a couple times during our date-nights. Even though I do work, the extra date-nights that we get a month from me working are definitely worth it. It's really important, especially when you have a child/children that you spend time alone together. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when I can take my time to get all dolled-up for my husband. I LOVE the long talks we have over a nice dinner out. I LOVE when we don't have to worry about what time it is, because we have to put Lucy to bed. I LOVE that when we get home and we can just spend time with each other. I LOVE waking up slow next to my husband the next morning. Me working gives me and Tommy more time together.